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Eye PRK Surgery in Hyderabad

Known as photorefractive keratectomy. Eye PRK surgery in Hyderabad is an ideal choice in people who are not suitable for LASIK or SMILE due to thinner corneas. In this procedure, eye prk specialist in Kukatpally do not make a flap like in LASIK. We just scrap of the corneal epithelium (in common terms we scrap of the skin of the cornea) and then ablate the cornea with excimer laser just like in LASIK. By not making flap we are preserving more thickness of the cornea in thin corneas.

FAQs of PRK.

  1. Is the procedure painful? No. the procedure per se is not painful. But 1-2 hours after the procedure patients may experience pain. And the intensity of the pain varies in individuals. Your doctors shall prescribe anti-inflammatory drops and pain killers to take care of post operative pain.
  2. How long does the postoperative pain last? The eye is usually red and painful for 1-2 days. Once the epithelium heals the pain should subside.
  3. Do the put contact lens after PRK? Yes. the contact lens is placed at the end of the procedure to reduce the postoperative pain and photophobia. It is removed after 3 days.
  4. What is TOPO-GUIDED PRK? It is similar to customized LASIK where the ablation is as per your corneal topographic profile.
  5. How is the vision recovery in PRK ? It usually takes around 1-2 weeks for complete visual recovery.